Search Results | thanksgiving united states

Your search for "thanksgiving united states" returned 115 results

Do You Belong in The United States or Canada?

While the United States and Canada share a continent, the two countries have a lot of differences in their culture, climate, and history. Take this quiz to find out which country you belong in!

Which Region of the United States Fits You Best?

From the shores of California to the bayou's of Louisiana and beyond, each region embodies a particular lifestyle, culture and community mindset. Find out where you truly belong by taking this quiz.

How Thanksgiving Works

Today, many associate the holiday less with pilgrims and American Indians and more with football and turkey. What's the real story of Thanksgivig Day?

Let's Talk Hollywood Turkey: Thanksgiving Movie Quiz

The holidays and great family stories go hand-in-hand.If you think you're an ace at Thanksgiving movie trivia, put your turkey where your mouth is, and take this quiz!

Gobble, Gobble! It's the Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Quiz

Whether they're roasted, salted or deep fried, Americans love their Thanksgiving turkeys. While no one knows whether the Pilgrims chowed down on turkey during the first Thanksgiving celebration in 1621, there's no question that the bird serves as the star of the show at contemporary holiday feasts. Think you know all their is to know about the history and significance of this feathered fowl? Take our Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Quiz to find out!

Ultimate Guide to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is one of the largest and most popular parades in the United States. And this year is no exception.

10 Historical Untruths About the First Thanksgiving

On the fourth Thursday in November, Americans will gather to eat turkey and sweet potatoes, just like that first Thanksgiving ... Actually, not like that first dinner. Join us as we debunk some of the many Thanksgiving myths.

10 Ways to Reuse Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

Instead of simply reheating your leftovers for a second Thanksgiving dinner, getting creative can turn your leftovers into new family favorites.

How Pop-Up Turkey Timers Work

Lots of turkeys sold in the United States come with a cool little piece of technology — the pop-up timer. But how do they know when the turkey is done?

Would turkey be so popular if it didn't have its own holiday?

Turkey is almost synonymous with Thanksgiving, but would turkey be popular if the day didn't exist? Learn more about turkey popularity.

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